Ekta Foundation Trust is a sister organization of Ekta Parishad. Ekta Foundation Trust (EFT) was established in the year 2001. Ekta Foundation Trust was registered under the public charitable Trust in 2001. EFT is a federation of community-based organizations formed by marginalized and landless people working in seven states of India. EFT is a Civil Society Organization (CSO) solely devoted as an implementing agency for EP’s national level operations and projects. EFT is working for the land and livelihood rights of India’s most marginalized communities (Tribals, Dalits, Nomadic communities, Agricultural labourers, small and marginal farmers, etc.).
Social Issues
- Land Ownership
- Land Rights in Forest Villages
- Rights of Common Property Resources
- Land Redistribution
- Women Empowerment
- Ekta Youth
Our Projects
- International Women’s Action on Nonviolence
- Internet Saathi
- Jai Jagat 2020
- Go Urban