Social Groups with which the Organisation works:

EFT has been working with the following excluded groups and most marginalized groups from the beginning of its inception.

Scheduled Tribes:- In Madhya Pradesh the operational area of EFT largely covered – Gond, Kol, Korku, Bhil, Bhilala and Sahariya tribes for taking their issues of land and livelihood rights. The EFT has engaged in the process of leadership building, livelihood sustenance and land rights campaigning for these communities. The landlessness is one of the major issues affected majority of these section, on the other these communities also displaced because of different development and forestry projects. The tribal community is also facing the crisis of their representation in the local governance which is the reason of weak performance of PESA and FRA for the larger benefit of thesecommunities.

Dalits: – Mahar is one of the major dalit community covered under operational area of EFT. The majority of dalit communities are either landless or small and marginal farmers having limited options for livelihood sustenance and are forced to migrate in search of livelihood. These communities are also facing problem of their presence in local governance, because of dominance of powerful few in the society. The proposed project also targeting these communities for empowering them in institutional process and strengthen options for livelihood sustenance.